Meet Dr. Julie Lacroix
Your Dermatologist
Dr. Julie Lacroix is a certified Dermatologist and a reputable Skin Cancer Specialist in Ottawa. She also specializes in Cosmetic and Surgical Dermatology. Her practice is located at the Montfort Hospital, The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Center and Services de santé Marleen Tassé. Dr. Lacroix is passionate about her patient’s skin health. She strongly believes that all women and men can maintain their natural beauty, guilt free, with simple skin care steps and sunprotection.
How can I help ?

Fat reduction
Coolsclupting® is the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reduction procedure. This technology freezes your fat cells away, permanently. It is safe and there is no surgery and no downtime.
Book your free consultation!
Age spots, Moles & Skin Tags
Are you tired of that large mole on your face? Would you like those rough skin tags on your neck or eyelids to disappear? Remove unwanted lesions to maximize your look and feel confident.

Cysts are benign cutaneous growths also called Epidermal Cyst. They contain laminated keratin that can easily drain with an associated undesirable smell. They are like balloons that easily get filled. Surgery is curative if the cyst wall is removed. I’ve developed a unique technique to minimize scarring and maximize cure rate.
Skin cancer
The incidence of skin cancers continue to rise. The three most common skin cancers are Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma. If you have a new or changing spot that worries you, don’t hesitate to get it evaluated by Dr. J. Lacroix.
